At the Planning Commission last Wednesday Planning Director McNamara gave an update on the Comp Plan work. He'll probably give the same or similar briefing the City Council work session on Tuesday. From an environmental perspective, some positive points listed on his charts included - Moving People, Not Cars - Complete Streets - Proactively monitor pollutants in water supply - Expand use of "green infrastructure" - Economic Development - emphasize conversion of abandoned and obsolete sites - Help community adapt to flooding and sea level rise - Resilient Development - address development process - Renewable Energy - adopt standardized practices; lead way in City spaces - Urban Forest - mature tree protection policy; reforestation efforts; tree inventory - Grow Housing Opportunities - "Missing Middle" - Design Streets for Pedestrians - safety and beauty; wayfinding, signage, and landscaping But presentation didn't go into details on any of these. More commun...
Working to green Chesapeake by increasing natural area - green spaces and blueways - across the City