The City is working on wrapping up its work on a Trails and Connectivity Plan. A draft document is expected in mid-July with a tentative date for the Planning Commission in August, and then on to the City Council for final approval a few months later. At the last Open House, the City shared a detailed draft Network Map and conceptual drawing of Separated Mulit-use Paths, on-road Buffer Bike Lanes, Bike Boulevards, etc. The Open House material can be viewed at Chesapeake Trails and Connectivity Plan | Chesapeake, VA ( But even the more modest implementation of such plans along existing rights-of-way can take many years, and sometimes decades, to become reality. These projects almost always require years of planning, right-of-way and easement acquisition, application for grants and appropriation of substantial funding, bidding out of projects, design, and finally construction. The Western Branch Rail to Trail project is...
Working to green Chesapeake by increasing natural area - green spaces and blueways - across the City