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CBPA Update

On Friday, May 31st, several of us met with the Planning Department to discuss the proposed CBPA District boundary changes in Chesapeake proposed CBPA District boundary changes in Chesapeake.  In attendance were representatives from the Friends of Indian River, Fernwood Farms Civic League, and the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.   Representatives from Wetlands Watch wanted to attend the meeting but were unavoidably unavailable that day.  

The Planning Department provided an informative briefing on the process they followed for the CBPA changes.  They shared the presentation they gave to the City Council at a work session on April 16th, which can be reviewed at

We discussed multiple areas of concern at the meeting.  The Planning Department said they would request some info from the Public Works Department and put together a response that addresses these areas. They said they will also provide an updated proposed boundary map based on the review of these areas and concerns.

Below are from notes I provided to the City after the meeting on the items we asked them to follow-up on.  Information in [brackets] are additional clarification for this post.   And I posed some additional question questions after the meeting regarding two areas (10 and 11 below) in Indian River that we didn't discuss in the meeting.

1. Fernwood Farms forested wetlands

This continues to be one of our areas of greatest concern.  [The area of forested wetlands was part of the original CBPA district designation in 1992.  In the meeting, we understood that the City has only been mapping Resource Protection Area (RPA) designation systematically using GIS tools for less than 5 years, so perhaps this area really should be in the RPA and not removed as proposed].

The DEQ Guidance Document Nontidal Wetlands Guidance on the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Designation and Management Regulations found at 


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