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Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, 2/5, 6 pm - The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is hosting public outreach meetings across the Commonwealth to solicit community feedback on strategies and actions for DEQ’s development of a statewide Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP). This plan will focus on identifying Virginia-specific opportunities and challenges, as well as evaluating potential paths to reduce climate pollution.  The Tidewater public meeting will be held at 6pm on February 5, 2025, at the DEQ Tidewater Regional Office, 5636 Southern Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA 23462. Meeting materials will be provided prior to the meeting date via the CPRG Bulletin, DEQ's website (, and Virginia Regulatory Town Hall. Materials will also be distributed in-person.   There will be a virtual listening option via Webex for those unable to attend in-person.  CCAP Tidewater Regional Office Community Listening Session | Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Calendar | Virginia DEQ

Saturday, 2/8, 10 am - The Norfolk Environmental Commission and Sierra Club will be sponsoring an airing of the "The Story of Plastic" at the Naro Cinema on Saturday, Feb 8, 10 am. Come out to learn why we are drowning in plastic and why plastic recycling is ultimately not a solution.  Space is limited; register for this free event at The Story of Plastic

Wednesday, 2/26, 6 pm - Green Drinks at YNot Italian in Greenbrier.

Past Events

Wednesday, 1/22, 6 pm - HRPDC Climate Action Plan Informational Webinar - virtual conversation on how you can help shape Regional Climate Action Plan -

Comp Plan Open Houses

  • Deep Creek High School, October 1 from 6:30 -8:00 p.m. 
  • Western Branch Community Center, October 3 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.
  • South Norfolk Community Center, October 7 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m.
  • Great Bridge Primary School,  October 16 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. 
  • Fire Station #7 (Southern Chesapeake), October 24 from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. 
  • See Comprehensive Plan Update | Chesapeake, VA ( for details 

Wednesday, 10/9, 7 pm, Planning Commission,  Agendas & Videos | Chesapeake, VA (

Saturday, 9/28, Chesapeake Celebrates Trees at Municipal Center - Calendar • Chesapeake Celebrates Trees (

Saturday, 9/14, Second Saturday Hike at Indian River Park - Friends of Indian River

Thursday, 9/12, Parks, Recreation and Tourism (PRT) carnival-themed community meeting to collect input for the PRT Master Plan; at the Rivercrest Community Center News Flash • PRT Master Plan Carnival (

Wednesday, 9/11, Planning Commission,  Agendas & Videos | Chesapeake, VA (

Saturday, August 24 - The Chesapeake Bay Foundation will hold a self-paced Green Infrastructure Tour.  They invite you to explore at your leisure 10 beautiful examples of Green Infrastructure from 9 a.m. to Noon. The tour is free, but you must register to receive a map of the locations.  Register at

Wednesday, August 14 - Chesapeake Planning Commision - learn more at August Newsletter (

Thursday, July 11 - Poindexter Street Sidewalk Extension Project | Chesapeake, VA ( Public Meeting - This project constructs a new sidewalk on the I-464 overpass to connect from existing sidewalks at Bainbridge Blvd to the South Norfolk Jordan Bridge and Elizabeth River Park. 

Multiple Dates, June - Hampton Roads Oyster Gardening Seminars - Chesapeake Bay Foundation (

Wednesday, June 12 - Planning Commission Meeting - Planning Commission Meeting Agendas (

Tuesday, June 11 - City Council Meeting - (Single Member Voting Districts & Recycling Referendums) - Regular City Council Meeting, Jun 11, 2024

The Planning Department is holding the next round of public Community Open Houses:

  • May 29 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m, Jolliff Middle School
  • June 4 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m., Great Bridge Town Meeting (Information Table) @ Great Bridge Intermediate School
  • June 10 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m., Chesapeake Conference Center
  • June 13 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m., Fire Station #7, 3329 South Battlefield Blvd.
  • June 17 from 5:00 - 6:30 p.m., Chesapeake Lifestyle Center
June 3 - Trails and Connectivity Plan is planning its final open house for early June, date and place yet to be announced.  

Saturday, June 1 - Clean the Bay Day - Chesapeake Bay Foundation (

Tuesday, May 28, 6 - 8 pm  - Green Drinks Chesapeake @ YNot Italian in Greenbrier 

Wednesday, May 22, 6:00 to 8:00 pm - Greenbrier Area Plan - The Planning Department is having a FINAL Community Open House on  at the Greenbrier Middle School.

Saturday, May 11, 1 - 2:30 pm - free solar workshop led by Ruth Amundsen, a local solar advocate, at Elizabeth River Project's Ryan Resilience Lab -

Tuesday, April 23, 6:30 pm - City Council Public Hearing on 2025 City Budget, City Hall Council Chamber, 306 Cedar Road - learn more at Budget Department | Chesapeake, VA (

Saturday, April 20, 12 pm to 4 pm - Earth Day Festival @ Campostella Square Park, 2019 Windy Rd, Chesapeake, VA - Earth Day Festival 2024 (

Tuesday, March 26, 6 pm to 8 pm - Green Drinks Chesapeake @ YNot Italian in Greenbrier

Tuesday, February 27, 6 pm to 8 pm - Green Drinks Chesapeake @ YNot Italian in Greenbrier - (1) Green Drinks Chesapeake - February | Facebook

Wednesday, January 31, 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm - Trails and Connectivity Plan Open House @ Grassfield High School - Trails and Connectivity Plan Open House (

Thursday, January 25, 6 pm to 8 pm - Community Meeting on Climate Pollution Reduction Grant @ DEQ Tidewater Regional Office, 5636 Southern Blvd., Virginia Beach - Climate Pollution Reduction Grant | Virginia DEQ

Wednesday, January 24, 7 pm - Happy Hour Social with Climate Action Hampton Roads @ Black Pelican Restaurant - RSVP at Hampton Roads Happy Hour · Virginia League of Conservation Voters ( 


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Thoughts on Draft Chesapeake Trails and Connectivity Plan

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Greenbrier Area Plan

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