While trees alone won't solve all the woes of a modern city, they go a long way to making a City a more livable place. Some key benefits: Flood Mitigation – Urban Trees “Flatten the Curve” by intercepting rainfall, increasing infiltration, and absorbing water. Peak runoff rates are reduced and delayed. And trees are significantly less expensive than engineered "BMPs" - Best Management Practices like retention ponds. https://www.chesapeakequarterly.net/V07N2/side1/index.html Water Quality Improvement – Reducing stormwater runoff also directly improves water quality. Reduced runoff carries less nutrients, fertilizers, sediment, and other pollutants helping us meet TMDL goals and improving health of our waterways. https://www3.epa.gov/npdes/pubs/nps_urban-facts_final.pdf Increased Economic Activity - Tree lined Streetscapes improve the appeal of a business district and positively impact visitors’ buying behavior. More and more, in-store shopping is a discretionary a
Working to green Chesapeake by increasing natural area - green spaces and blueways - across the City