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February Newsletter

Green Drinks Chesapeake - Wednesday, February 26, 2025 Our next Green Drinks meeting will be on Wednesday, February 26, 6 pm at YNot Italian in Greenbrier. Speaker is TBD. What is Green Drinks?  Green Drinks is mostly for people working on environmental issues, but anyone can come -- people from environmental groups, businesses, government, academia, and as individuals. There is no 'us and them'. Green Drinks is a chance to mingle, share insights, inspire and delight each other. Come out and order some food or a drink (each participant pays for their own drinks and food; if drinking, please do so responsibly!) and join the conversation. Please do share the invite with others who may be interested. Story of Plastic The Norfolk Environmental Commission and Sierra Club will be sponsoring an airing of the "The Story of Plastic" at the Naro Cinema on Saturday, Feb 8, 10 am. Come out to learn why we are drowning in plastic and why plastic recycling is ultimately not a solut...
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January Newsletter

Green Drinks Chesapeake - Wednesday, January 29, 2025 Our next Green Drinks meeting will be on Wednesday, January 29, 6 pm at YNot Italian in Greenbrier.   We'll have a guest speaker this month to tell us about the issues with artificial lights, specifically new, high-intensity, LED street lights, and their impact on our environment. Liz Paiste is a member of Citizens for Responsible Lighting, a grassroots organization lobbying for healthy LED light options for Norfolk.  Liz is an advocate for greenspace and tree canopy within Norfolk and serves as one of 9 Tree Commissioners within the city.  She is also the Co-Chair of the Olmsted Initiative, which the Chesapeake Bay Foundation recently recognized as an example of resilience within Norfolk.  What is Green Drinks?  Green Drinks is mostly for people working on environmental issues, but anyone can come -- people from environmental groups, businesses, government, academia, and as individuals. There is no 'us ...

December Newsletter

Local Election Results Congratulations to the winners of the City Council and School Board Elections:     Mayor Rick W. West     City Council Member S.Z. "Debbie" Ritter     City Council Member-elect Les Smith, Jr.     City Council Member-elect Patricia Y. "Pat" King     School Board Member Angie B. Swygert     School Board Member Norman G. Pool     School Board Member-elect Malia L. Huddle     School Board Member-elect Elijah Colon 2025 General Assembly The League of Conservation Voters will be hosting a General Assembly Preview on Saturday, December 7 from 9 am to Noon. This is an opportunity to hear from statewide environmental experts about anticipated environmental legislation to be considered in Richmond next year.  You can tune in online or join a Regional Watch Party (breakfast included!) at LRNow in Virginia Beach. In-person attendees will be able to network with other local community memb...

October Newsletter

Green Drinks Chesapeake - Wednesday, October 30 Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 30 at YNot Italian in Greenbrier.  We'll be taking a look ahead to the General Assembly in January.  This will be our last meeting until the new year.   What is Green Drinks?  Green Drinks is mostly for people working on environmental issues, but anyone can come -- people from environment groups, business, government, academia, and as individuals. There is no 'us and them'. Green Drinks is a chance to mingle, share insights, inspire and delight each other. Come out and order some food or a drink (each participant pays for their own drinks and food; if drinking, please do so responsibly!) and join the conversation. Please do share the invite with others who may be interested.  Trails and Connectivity Plan I'm disappointed and frustrated to report we've had little success in getting the Planning Department to revise the draft Trails and Connectivity Plan to put an e...

September Newsletter

Green Drinks Chesapeake - Wednesday, September 25 Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, September 25 at YNot Italian in Greenbrier. What is Green Drinks?  Green Drinks is mostly for people working on environmental issues, but anyone can come -- people from environment groups, business, government, academia, and as individuals. There is no 'us and them'. Green Drinks is a chance to mingle, share insights, inspire and delight each other. Come out and order some food or a drink (each participant pays for their own drinks and food; if drinking, please do so responsibly!) and join the conversation. Please do share the invite with others who may be interested.  Trails and Connectivity Plan The latest draft of the Trails and Connectivity Plan is now available at   Unfortunately, this draft, going to the Planning Commission on Wednesday, September 11th, still does not set clear priorities and do...