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Showing posts from February, 2024

Industrial Waterfront Study

The Industrial Waterfront Study will receive a Public Hearing at the Planning Commission meeting this week on Wednesday, February 14, 2024.  The goal of this document is to  understand the current conditions along the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth River and  determine preferred future land uses based and  identify the range of adaptation strategies that can increase the resilience of coastal and riverine areas and increase opportunities for economic development.   In my review, I think the Planning Department did an excellent job of presenting a  balanced approach that prioritizes space for industrial businesses critical to the local economy and tax base   while identifying   a range of adaptation strategies that can increase the resilience of coastal and riverine areas  to address   sea level rise, increasing stormwater flooding, and recurrent tidal inundation.  (The text in bold is taken directly from the Draft Study which can be found at