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September Newsletter

Green Drinks Chesapeake - Wednesday, September 25

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, September 25 at YNot Italian in Greenbrier.

What is Green Drinks?  Green Drinks is mostly for people working on environmental issues, but anyone can come -- people from environment groups, business, government, academia, and as individuals. There is no 'us and them'. Green Drinks is a chance to mingle, share insights, inspire and delight each other. Come out and order some food or a drink (each participant pays for their own drinks and food; if drinking, please do so responsibly!) and join the conversation. Please do share the invite with others who may be interested. 

Trails and Connectivity Plan

The latest draft of the Trails and Connectivity Plan is now available at 

Unfortunately, this draft, going to the Planning Commission on Wednesday, September 11th, still does not set clear priorities and does not define steps to make our Chesapeake's streets safer for bikers and walkers today.   

The day after the August Planning Commission meeting, Steve Shil was tragically involved in a severe crash with a vehicle while riding his bicycle at the intersection of Mt. Pleasant Road and Hilwell.  Mr. Shil died of his injuries a week later.   Apparently, he was an avid biker and in decades past an activist for improving bicycle safety.   Despite decades of talking about the need to make our roads safer, people are dying at an alarming rate.  Considering the percentage of crashes, pedestrians and bicyclists are at greatest risk of death and injury.

After spending a year asking the citizens of Chesapeake what is most important to them, the draft Plan makes no serious attempt to define priorities for bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements or which routes should be upgraded first. The best the document does is say that all 112 miles of the proposed "core network" are a priority, even though these routes are along our major arterial roadways, crossing highway interchanges and waterways, and therefore the most costly and difficult to construct.  The document suggests the actual work of recommending near-term priorities can be done in the Bicycle and Trails Advisory Committee (BTAC) even though the City staff did not use the prioritization provided by BTAC to prepare this document or select the so-called "sample projects" for this document.  

If you look at the public comments listed in the document and the comments from BTAC, what people are asking for is for the City to:

  • actually build the already funded projects like the Western Branch Rail Trail and India River Road bike lanes
  • improve and build out crosswalks across the city to provide safe passage, especially near parks, schools, libraries, business areas, and bus stops
  • identify the "low-hanging fruit", routes where we can create connections along low stress corridors with bike boulevards at minimal cost
  • lower speed limits and implement traffic calming practices
  • provide both online maps of existing routes and real-world wayfinding signage
  • fix existing sidewalks and curb ramps
  • make sure all new developments have sidewalks and as appropriate bikeways.
  • build new wider sidewalks to close gaps
  • and yes, ultimately, build out the complete network of 400 miles of trails across the city, prioritized based on principles of equity and most benefit.

The current draft simply is not good enough. The Plan needs to set priorities - which can start with the items above - and set timelines.  Let's ask for a further continuance at the Planning Commission to require the Planning Department to do better.  

Those wishing to speak at the Planning Commission meeting on Wednesday, 9/11, must sign up with the clerk before 7 PM.  Meeting Agendas & Videos | Chesapeake, VA (

Also, a memorial ride for Mr. Shil is planned for Saturday, 9/14, 9 am starting from the Riverwalk Clubhouse - Shils & Thrills Memorial Bike Ride | Facebook

Greenbrier Area Plan

At the August Green Drinks meeting we discussed possible improvements and comments we should make for the Greenbrier Area Plan.  These comments may be considered for a sign-on letter from Green Drinks attendees to the City and/or shared with other groups such as the CEIC for possible inclusion in their comments on the Plan.  Areas we talked about include Pedestrian, Bicycle and Active Connectivity and Safety (overlapping on issues in the Trails and Connectivity Plan), Transit, Tree Preservation and Planting,  Building Energy Efficiency, Lighting, and Dark Skies, and Parking.    Read more at Greenbrier Area Plan (   

Reply back to this e-mail to let us know your thoughts - what would you do related to the Greenbrier area if you were "chief city planner for a day"? 

Comp Plan Update

Also at the August Planning Commission meeting, Planning Director McNamara gave an update on the Comp Plan work. From an environmental perspective, some positive points listed on his charts included

- Moving People, Not Cars - Complete Streets
- Proactively monitor pollutants in water supply
- Expand use of "green infrastructure"
- Economic Development - emphasize conversion of abandoned and obsolete sites
- Help community adapt to flooding and sea level rise
- Resilient Development - address development process
- Renewable Energy - adopt standardized practices; lead way in City spaces
- Urban Forest - mature tree protection policy; reforestation efforts; tree inventory
- Grow Housing Opportunities - "Missing Middle"
- Design Streets for Pedestrians - safety and beauty; wayfinding, signage, and landscaping

See some screen shots from the presentation at Comp Plan Update (

Planning Commission Updates 

Two projects of interest at Planning Commission in August were recommended for approval.

  • Church on Battlefield across from Water Treatment Plant.  22 of 25 acres are wooded, but plan does not impact those woods.  Should add some landscaped buffer around new structures. (Concurrently advertised and also approved by City Council in August
  • 5 MW Solar Farm on Long Ridge Road.  

The GreenLink power transmission cable manufacturing ("tallest building in Virginia") was Continued to the September 11th Planning Commission meeting.  Apparently, the Navy has security concerns that need to be addressed.   This is the only development project on the September agenda.  Meeting Agendas & Videos | Chesapeake, VA (

City Council Updates

At the City Council's 8/20 meeting, they approved a Request to let the City apply for a $1.465 Million grant from the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation.  Local match if the grant is awarded would be $1.474 Million.  OSAP funding is the identified source for the match funding.  If awarded, this grant would be used to preserve 96 acres of forest and wetlands on the west bank of the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth between the High Rise Bridge and Veterans Bridge. The land is about 68% wetlands. 

In August, the City Council also approved two development projects of interest:

  • Medium Density Residential project on Joliff Road putting 146 single family and town homes on 30.8 acres.  It does preserve area in CBPA minimizing net tree loss.
  • Church on Battlefield across from Water Treatment Plant.  
In September, a project of interest going before the City Council is:
  • 5 MW Solar Farm on Long Ridge Road. 
Solar Farms and Pollinators

When the Long Ridge Road Solar Farm project went before the Planning Commission in August, one of the speakers in opposition complained that one of the problems with one of the existing solar farms in the city was that they were letting the grass grow up to the bottom of the solar panels.  My response is that that is the way it is supposed to be!

The City of Chesapeake Government has a fairly well written Solar Energy Policy governing the development of solar farms in Chesapeake.  One of the requirements is that the site groundcover shall consist of native species of grasses and pollinator plants to benefit birds, bees, and other insects and support pollinators vital to local crop production.  

Letting the vegetation grow is essential to providing the pollinator habitat and building deep roots that enable deep stormwater infiltration and minimize runoff.   The Solar Energy Policy requires that projects get certified as VA Pollinator-Smart as per the Virginia DCR Pollinator Smart Comprehensive Manual.  The manual emphasizes plant selection to minimize mowing and mowing to no less than 10 inches to prevent "scalping of native species".    

CBF VoiCeS Class

The next CBF VoiCeS class is coming to Virginia Beach, September 24- October 29.  This is a highly recommend class providing a holistic appreciation about the environmental health of region.  The class connects you with a strong cross section of people working to make things better.   Become a Chesapeake Steward - Chesapeake Bay Foundation (

Get Ready to Vote!

It's another big election year.   On the ballot will be

  • President and Vice President of the United States
  • U.S. Senator
  • U.S. Representative
  • Mayor of Chesapeake
  • Chesapeake City Council (3 members at large)
  • Chesapeake School Board (4 members at large)
  • Referendum on Curbside Recycling in Chesapeake

The first day of in-person early voting will be Friday, September 20, 2024.  The deadline to register to vote, or update an existing registration is October 15, 2024. (Voters may register after this date, through Election Day, and vote using a provisional ballot).  Election Day - the last day to vote - will be Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

Make your plan on how you will vote now.  Need to register to vote, check your status, or update your voter registration?  Visit today.

More Upcoming Dates

Action Alerts
  • It's time to start following "Lights Out" for the fall migration in Hampton Roads. As part of this voluntary program, property managers, businesses, tenants, government agencies, and residents are urged to help to prevent night-time bird collisions with building by turning off and/or blocking as many external and internal building lights at workplaces as possible at night to help prevent injury and death of migrating birds, especially from 11 pm to sunrise. Learn more at
  • Chesapeake Parks, Recreation and Tourism (PRT) is conducting a community-wide survey as part of development a new PRT Master Plan.  Take the survey at 
  • Hampton Roads Transit has put out a survey about these final four options for Connecting Chesapeake which mode most appeals: express bus, bus rapid transit, or light rail at
  • Share you "Flood Story" with Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation to help support flood resilience planning in Virginia. Tell them where it flooded and how that flooding impacted you.  You can also share details like photos, dates, and frequency of flooding.  Share your experiences at
Volunteer Opportunities

In the News

Stay on top of the latest news and join the conversation in our Facebook group at Greening Chesapeake (link corrected).


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